Unlimited Access to Online Events:
- 5 Expert Talks with international renowned speakers (Dates: Nov. 26, 27, Dec. 3, 5, 10)
- Expert Talk replays
- Participation in the Dialogue Forum (Jan, 2025)
Please note: Our Summit counts as continued learning for midwives, maternity nurses (kraamzorg), and doulas!
The Dutch Organisation of Midwives (KNOV) has assigned 16 points to the Summit, the Maternity Care Knowledge Center (KCKZ) gives 6 credits, the Dutch Professional Association for Doulas (NBvD) gives 12 points—the maximum possible, the Dutch Professional Training Foundation in Psychosocial Complementary Health Care (SKB) has accredited the Summit with SBU 40 and the Mondo Doula Association (Italy) assigned a total of 8 credits!
To qualify for accreditation, you must register for the LIVE summit.
Read more at revolution.postnatalsupportnetwork.com