Unlimited Access to Online Events:

- 5 Expert Talks with international renowned speakers (Dates: Nov. 26, 27, Dec. 3, 5, 10)
- Expert Talk replays
- Participation in the Dialogue Forum (Jan, 2025)

Please note: Our Summit counts as continued learning for midwives, maternity nurses (kraamzorg), and doulas!

The ​Dutch Organisation of Midwives​ (KNOV) has assigned 16 points to the Summit, the ​Maternity Care Knowledge Center​ (KCKZ) gives 6 credits, the ​Dutch Professional Association for Doulas​ (NBvD) gives 12 points—the maximum possible, the Dutch Professional Training Foundation in Psychosocial Complementary Health Care (SKB) has accredited the Summit with SBU 40 and the Mondo Doula Association (Italy) assigned a total of 8 credits!

To qualify for accreditation, you must register for the LIVE summit.

Read more at revolution.postnatalsupportnetwork.com​