Big news! The Summit is accredited by the Dutch Midwifery Association 📢

KNOV accreditation approved

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We are very proud to announce that the KNOV (Dutch Midwifery Association) accredited the Summit with 16 accreditation points.

To remain qualified and competent and develop sustainably in the Dutch profession, birth professionals must constantly be active with continuing education and training. We see this assignment of 16 accreditation points as an important qualification for the Postnatal rEvolution Summit.

Accreditation to the KCKZ (Maternity care), NBvD (Doulas), and SKB (PsychoSocial care) is pending, and we expect a response from these professional groups soon.


We zijn erg trots te kunnen melden dat de KNOV (Nederlandse Organisatie van Verloskundigen) de Summit heeft geaccrediteerd met 16 accreditatie punten. Om gekwalificeerd en bekwaam te blijven en om zich duurzaam te ontwikkelen in het vak, moeten geboorteprofessionals voortdurend actief zijn met bij- en nascholing. Wij zien deze toekenning van 16 accreditatie punten als een belangrijke kwalificatie voor de Postnatale rEvolutie Summit.

De accreditatie naar de KCKZ (Kraamzorg), NBvD (Doulas) en SKB (PsychoSociale zorg) is in behandeling en we verwachten binnenkort een reactie van deze beroepsgroepen.

Franca Cadee, verloskundige, antropologe en internationale expert op het gebied van p het gebied van seksuele reproductieve gezondheid en rechtvaardigheid. is de dagvoorzitter en key not spreker van de Live Summit. Ze nodigt de Nederlandse verloskundigen om deel te nemen aan deze summit.

If you need help registering for the SUMMIT, please watch this tutorial which takes you through all the steps

About Postnatal Support Network and the Postnatal rEvolution Summit

The Postnatal Support Network (PSN) addresses the importance of a well-informed and well-prepared Fourth Trimester, with a focus on the first 6 weeks postpartum. PSN is an international NGO promoting a supported and relaxed postnatal rest and bonding time. It organizes trainings for postnatal doulas and supporters, offers information for parents who are preparing themselves and provides an online directory of local professionals.

With the Postnatal rEvolution Summit, PSN amplifies and expands its voice in collaboration with the European Doula Network (EDN) and Geboortenis Zutphen. This Summit brings together the shared vision to facilitate a dialogue between sectors and disciplines involved in postpartum care and its social relevance to the well-being of our society.

Should you have any question, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your contribution to the Postnatal rEvolution! 🙏

Stichting PSN, Baron G.A. Tindalplein 121,, Amsterdam, 1019TW
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Postnatal Support Network

The Postnatal Support Network (PSN) promotes the importance of a well-prepared and relaxing 40-day postnatal period, connects families and postnatal doulas, trains professionals and builds bridges. PSN is an international organization with a nonmedical and social network, dedicated to raising awareness and educating the larger public on the importance of postnatal rest and care.

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